Iran, Netherlands in new phase of cooperation: Bagheri

In a phone call, Iran’s deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, Ali Bagheri Kani, and his Dutch counterpart, Marcel DeVinik, discussed the current state of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Netherlands.

Referring to the historical relations between the two countries, Bagheri Kani said, “Iran and the Netherlands are in a new phase of cooperation, which is expected to further expand with mutual will”.

The Iranian diplomat further stated, “Although there may be differences in the views of the two countries, continuous dialogue and consultation have always been the preferred approach of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the Netherlands”.

Bagheri Kani said Iran believes these talks will resolve the misunderstandings and ultimately facilitate interaction between the parties.

While emphasizing the importance of dialogue between the two countries, the Dutch diplomat noted, “The essence of diplomacy is nothing but dialogue, and although it may not solve all problems, it can resolve misunderstandings”.

During the call, the latest developments in consular relations between the two countries were also discussed.

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