Iran, China, Russia urge West to pave way for restoring JCPOA

The three states issued a joint statement for the first time in the quarterly meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), emphasizing that they have always supported talks that concluded with the signing of the nuclear deal in 2015, and then they helped implement it.

Permanent Representative of Russia to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov presented the statement, which underlined that the US withdrew from the deal unilaterally and illegally in 2018 and imposed unilateral sanctions on Iran, but the three countries continued to support the JCPOA.

They also argued that Tehran, Beijing, and Moscow spared no efforts in revitalizing the nuclear agreement and took part in eight rounds of talks, which led to the August 2022 text with the aim of reaching that end.

And other JCPOA signatories such as France, Germany, Britain, plus the US, vowed to cooperate in this regard, but they did not abide by their commitments due to their political considerations, the statement noted.

Iran and world powers reached the JCPOA in 2015, under which Tehran curbed parts of its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of international sanctions. The US, however, unilaterally abandoned the deal in 2018 despite Iran’s adherence to its commitments under the accord.

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