US politicians slam Biden for unfreezing Iran assets

Since the victory of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, hawkish figures in the United States have been fanning the flames of Iranophobia by spreading unfounded claims about Iran’s legitimate political and military activities.

Amid reports that a potential deal could be worked out between the two countries that would lead to release of prisoners and assets, certain US politicians have launched another wave of anti-Iran campaigns by attacking Biden for his policy on Iran as the US nears a presidential election in 2024.

Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis has tweeted that the release of $6 billion worth of Iranian assets in South Korea would be a ransom payment that will help Iran build nuclear weapons, support terrorism, oppress the Iranian people, and assist Russia. He also claimed that Biden’s appeasement and weakness embolden Iran to attack the US and allies, adding that Biden is shamefully caving to Iran’s blackmail and extortion.

Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican in Arkansas, released a statement and said that President Biden should stop dancing to Iran’s tune and should start responding firmly and decisively to their aggression, he added.

Former Vice President Mike Pence alleged: While I welcome the release of American hostages, the American people should know that Biden has authorized the largest ransom payment in American history to the officials in Tehran.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described the move as “sad and dangerous”, claiming: Releasing $6 billion for Tehran, just so that American hostages can go to another type of prison, is a terrible deal. Iran should not benefit from taking American hostages.

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