Ball in Grossi’s court to show his impartiality towards Iran

Khorasan daily published a memo written by Hadi Mohammadi, a regional political analyst, on Wednesday, pointing to Grossi’s second visit to Tehran for the future of talks aimed at reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and lifting anti-Iran sanctions.


The political expert wrote:

In his second visit to Tehran since the inauguration of President Ebrahim Raisi’s administration, Grossi held talks with Mohammad Eslami, the chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), as well as Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian. Although, the meetings were held behind closed doors, his presence before the next round of nuclear talks in Vienna, Austria, is of great importance.

Tehran invited the IAEA director general in order to send the message that the Iranians will not retreat from their peaceful nuclear program and they are also prepared to discuss challenging issues. Grossi expressed satisfaction on the negotiations in Tehran.

However, the IAEA chief wrote in a Twitter message hours before his arrival in Tehran that he wanted to speak about remaining nuclear issues and create an effective channel for direct talks in order to pave the way for reinitiating the IAEA’s inspection in Iranian nuclear sites.

These unconstructive remarks and some other unfounded allegations against Iran created improper atmosphere ahead of his visit to Tehran. The political comments by Grossi show his biased view when it comes to Iran and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), while he ignored the fact that the Islamic Republic just reacted to the United States’ withdrawal from the nuclear deal and re-imposition of anti-Iran sanctions. Such a behavior by the IAEA chief brought about criticism by Europe, China and Russia, who urged him to discuss differences in face to face conversations with Iranian officials.

It is worth mentioning that Iran has always complied with its commitments under the Safeguards Agreement and kept up its end of bargain.

Days ahead will show if the secretary general would be impartial or prefer to pursue political agenda. Despite the fact that Tehran does not trust Grossi much; however, politics is the playground for changing tactics and strategies to become a successful politician.

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