Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Nov 10


— Vahidi: EU should be grateful for Iran’s efforts against drug trafficking

Iran’s Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said that European countries should be grateful for Iran’s efforts to prevent the smuggling of narcotics to this continent.
Vahidi made the remarks on the sidelines of a meeting between Iran’s Judiciary Chief Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei and foreign ambassadors in Iran as well as heads of international organizations on Tuesday, according to Iran Press.
Vahidi noted that after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the production and export of narcotics increased in the Asian country, but no country held the US accountable for this crime.


— Despite sanctions, Iran is world’s third-largest gas producer

Iran produced 267 billion cubic meters of dry natural gas in 2019, making the country the world’s third-largest dry natural gas producer, after the US and Russia, despite the most draconian sanctions imposed on the country.
The US sanctions have affected Iran’s energy exports, financial transactions, and imports of certain technologies, but natural gas production in Iran has grown steadily over the past two decades, the US Energy Information Administration wrote on its website.
While the EIA estimated Iran’s total dry gas production in 2019 at 8.4 trillion cubic feet (237.8 billion cubic meters), which still made Iran the third biggest producer, official figures have put it at 267 billion cubic meters.


— Kermanshah joins UNESCO list of creative cities

Iran’s western city of Kermanshah was introduced as UNESCO’s City of Gastronomy on Monday. Kermanshah is among 49 cities that have joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) following their designation by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay in recognition of their commitment to placing culture and creativity at the heart of their development and to sharing knowledge and good practices.
Kermanshah Province has a very high capacity in the field of food, with about 80 kinds of food and snacks, 11 kinds of bread, 20 kinds of sweets, and special snacks.



— Ayatollah Sistani Bans Zionist-Linked Business

Iraq’s top Shia authority Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani has issued a fatwa banning Muslims from doing business with companies that support the occupying regime of Israel.
Ayatollah Sistani issued the fatwa, which is a religiously binding edict, in response to a question about buying goods from the stores which give part of their profits to the Zionist regime.
The top Shia authority, who lives in the holy Iraqi city of Najaf, said if it’s proven that a company effectively supports Israel, it’s not permissible to do business with them.


— Estonian Festival Premiers Iran’s ‘Hit the Road’

Iranian feature ‘Hit the Road’ has found way to the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (POFF) in Estonia. Panah Panahi’s directorial debut will go on screen at the Current Waves section of the Estonian fest’s 25th edition.
‘Hit the Road’ tells the story of a couple and their two sons who take a road journey to a destination that remains mysterious. Meanwhile, the road trip with all the comedy and drama it entails takes place in the mesmerizing nature of Iran.


— Iran, Hungary Olympic Committees Sign MoU on Sports Cooperation

The presidents of Iranian Reza Salehi Amiri and Hungarian Olympic committees Krisztián Kulcsár on Tuesday signed an MoU on sports cooperation, including coach and sports delegation exchanges.
Krisztián Kulcsár, the president and Balint Vékássy, secretary-general of the Hungarian Olympic Committee has traveled to Tehran to meet with officials of the Iranian National Olympic Committee (NOC).



— Iran picks 21 overseas narrators for Intl. Storytelling Festival

Twenty-one storytellers from across the world have been selected to perform during the 23rd edition of Iran’s International Storytelling Festival, which is scheduled to be held online due to the pandemic.

Among the overseas participants are six storytellers from India including Usha Venkatraman, a Mumbai-based award-winning narrator who has performed at many international and Indian festivals, the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (IIDCYA – Kanoon), the organizer of the festival, announced on Monday.


— Private sector to develop renewable energy sector in Iran

Renewables account for about seven percent of Iran’s total power generation, versus natural gas’ 90 percent share.

Based on Iran’s Sixth Five-Year National Development Plan (2016-2021), the country was aiming for 5,000 megawatts (MW) increase in renewable capacity to meet growing domestic demand and expand its presence in the regional electricity market. But in the final year of the plan, only one-fifth of the figure has been achieved.


— French group starts Iran journey as country reopens borders to intl. travelers

A group of nine French travelers has commenced its two-week journey across Iran as the Islamic Republic reopened its borders to international travelers last month. The group that arrived in Iran on Sunday is scheduled to visit travel destinations in Tehran, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Yazd, and Isfahan.

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