Iran, Germany FMs discuss nuclear deal, bilateral ties, Afghanistan

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met with his German counterpart Heiko Maas on the sidelines of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

He outlined Iran’s foreign policy under the new administration as well as the Iran nuclear program and the Vienna talks aimed at reviving the agreement, otherwise known as the JCPOA.

Amir Abdollahian underlined the importance of the Vienna negotiations being result-based.

He said the Iranian people rightfully expect to enjoy the economic benefits of the nuclear deal this time around.

The foreign minister noted that this expectation has not been realized yet because the other sides have failed to live up to their part of the JCPOA. The US should understand that all transactions were made once during the JCPOA talks, so the Vienna talks are not meant to lead to a new agreement but aimed at ensuring Washington’s return to compliance with its commitments under the deal and also under United Nations Resolution 2231.The administration of US President Joe Biden’s policy is a continuation of his predecessor’s policy to impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Amir Abdollahian further noted that the Iranian government is bound to make sure a parliamentary act regarding the sanctions is implemented, calling the European troika’s excuses about its failure to stick by its part of the JCPOA “unacceptable”.

The Iranian foreign minister added that the other signatories to the JCPOA must have flexibility and understand the new situation following the inauguration of the new Iranian administration.

Amir Abdollahian also underscored that the administration’s definite policy is to not tie the Iranian economy to the nuclear deal, declaring Iran’s readiness to forge ties irrespective of the JCPOA.

He stressed that the Iran-Germany trade and economic ties are not satisfactory at all and that Tehran and Berlin must find a solution to this problem.

The German foreign minister, for his part, said his country is committed to the nuclear agreement and will do its utmost to revive and safeguard the deal.

He welcomed the recent agreement between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency following its chief Rafael Grossi’s visit to Iran.

Maas underlined the need for all sides to do their best to make sure the Vienna talks pay off.

The top German diplomat also referred to his country’s determination to boost ties with Iran and blamed the current state of the economic relations on circumstances over which neither Iran nor Germany has no control.

The two foreign ministers also discussed regional and international issues and the situation in Afghanistan and stressed the formation of an inclusive government in the country.

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