Tehran, Moscow experiencing one of the best golden eras in their relationship: General Shabanian

Nakhost news – Deputy Coordinator of Iranian Defense Ministry Brigadier General Saeed Shabanian met with Russian Deputy Ministry of Defense Colonel General Alexander Fomin in Moscow on Tuesday.

Congratulation the successful holding of the Army-2021 International Military-Technical Forum in Russia, general Shabanian said, “Iranian armed forces, in addition to hosting several sports, including scuba diving, Sea cup and Lords of Weapons, will participate in military competitions that will be held in other countries such as Russia”.

“We are glad that relations and cooperation between Tehran and Moscow are experiencing one of their best golden eras thanks to the will of the leaders of the two countries,” he stressed.

Referring to the fighting against regional terrorism, general Shabanian said, “Iran and Russia have had a successful experience in the fight against terrorism, extremism and destruction of ISIL in Syria both in regional and international arenas”.

“These successful experiences brought Iran and Russia closer to a common understanding and perspective on regional issues and developments than ever before,” he added.

He then thanked Russian Federation for declaring its position and support in lifting Iran’s arms embargo in the UN Security Council and said that it is a matter of happiness that cooperation between the two countries’ defense ministries has followed a positive path in recent years.

“We believe that increasing meetings and negotiations between military and defense officials of the two countries will help strengthening mutual trust and expansion of the level of interactions and cooperation between the two countries,” general Shabanian stated.

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