Pres. Raisi: Tehran-Ankara cooperation to benefit Islamic Ummah greatly

President Ebrahim Raisi said in a phone talk with his Turkish counterpart on Wednesday: Saving the Palestinians from the oppression of Zionists will always be in shared agenda of Tehran-Ankara cooperation, which is to great benefit of the Islamic Ummah (nation).

In his Wednesday evening phone talk with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Raisi evaluated the two countries’ ties “beyond normal neighborly relations” arguing: The close cooperation between Iran and Turkey is necessary for ensuring the regional peace and stability.
Raisi said that Iran and Turkey’s relations are friendly and brotherly, adding: We attach great significance to our bilateral ties with the friend and brother country, Turkey, and to our cooperation at the international scenes.
The news Iranian president said that the rapid convening of the 7th High Council for Iran-Turkey Cooperation in Tehran is necessary, expressing certainty that the two countries’ comprehensive cooperation will not only ensure their own national interests, but also peace and security for the region and also greater blessings for the Islamic Ummah.
The president meanwhile referred to the broad potentials for further diversifying of the sphere of the two countries’ cooperation, especially in the vaster expanse of the Islamic world, stressing: Assisting the oppressed and shelter-less Palestinian nation and saving them from the oppression of the Zionists will never be eliminated from our two countries’ shared cooperation agenda.
President Erdogan, too, in the phone talk once again congratulated his Iranian counterpart for winning the presidential election, condoled with him on the sad martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (P), and said: I have no doubt that your tenure as the Iranian president will mark a new era in the two countries’ stronger comprehensive bilateral and regional cooperation.
The Turkish president said that the High Council for Iran-Turkey Cooperation plays a decisive role in boosting bilateral cooperation, expressing hope that its upcoming Tehran meeting will be held as soon as possible, aimed at holding talks on broader bilateral cooperation.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan meanwhile dully appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s humanitarian contributions in Turkey’s efforts to extinguish the raging fire in its juggles.

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