Resistance media’s challenge against Western media empire

During the meeting held in Tehran on ‘Strengthening the Discourse of the Resistance Media’, the participants discussed Resistance media’s challenge against the Western media empire.

Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah made a speech last Monday on the Palestinian cause on media and media discourse. Nasrallah hailed the steadfastness of the Palestine Resistance at the start of his speech and focused his speech on media confrontation with the Israeli occupation and the US hegemony.

In this regard, the Specialized Meeting on Strengthening the Discourse of the Resistance Media in accordance with the new challenges and conditions was held on Saturday morning at Mehr News Agency with the presence of domestic and foreign journalists.

Welcoming to the gusts of the meeting, Mohammad Hossein Taheri, the Deputy Head of Mehr News Agency pointed to the remarks of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, saying, “The remarks made by Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah about the Resistance media were very important. The fact is that the media of the Resistance played an important and prominent role in the 12-day battle of the “Sword of Quds”. Resistance media caused the public to stay in touch with events and developments.”

“The cultural and social approach of the resistance media will strengthen them and raise the level of discourse of the Resistance media,” he added.

During the meeting, Director of Foreign News at the Iranian Mehr News Agency Mehdi Azizi also said, “Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah made very important remarks last Monday about the need to raise the level of the resistance discourse. He explicitly emphasized that if it were not for the Resistance media, the victories and achievements of the Resistance axis would not have been transmitted to the public and all these victories would have been lost.”

“The fact is that over the past two decades, and especially after the 33-day war in 2006, we have seen that the Resistance media has also been strengthened. More efforts are currently needed to strengthen and raise the level of discourse of media of Resistance axis,” he added.

Azizi went on to say, “The importance of the impact of the Resistance media as well as the media of the Islamic Republic of Iran was such that the US Treasury Department blocked the networks and websites affiliated with the Resistance axis. Earlier, the Zionist regime heavily bombed the Al-Manar TV building during the 33-day war. Despite all these situations, the Resistance media are currently in a very good position.”

The Political Affairs Expert and Analyst on West Asian issues Seyed Reza Sadr al-Hosseini also explained his views on the media of the Resistance and the need to raise the level of the resistance discourse.

“We are currently facing an all-out media war by the international media empire under the management of global Zionism. The Resistance media has made significant progress over the past two decades, especially after the Zionist regime’s 33-day war against the Lebanese Resistance,” said Sadr al-Hosseini.

“In the first days of the 33-day war, the aggressor fighters of the Zionist regime bombed the building of Al-Manar TV. This happened while at that time, Al-Manar was the only media of Resistance. However, in less than two minutes, Al-Manar was able to start reflecting the realities of the war again and transmit these realities to the public opinion of the region and the world,” he added.

The analyst went on to say, “The experience of the 33-day war and the Zionist attack on the Al-Manar TV building caused the axis of Resistance to gain experience in the field of media confrontation of the enemy. On the one hand, the Resistance realized its vast potential in the field of media, and on the other hand, it realized that its media was facing a fierce enmity of the Zionists and their allies.”

“Currently, more than 128 networks are working in the field of Resistance. As for the news agencies and websites affiliated with the resistance, if we do not say that they are innumerable, we can certainly say that they are very numerous. Today, we are witnessing that various Resistance networks inform the public about the Resistance news in the shortest possible time to the public opinion throughout the region and the world,” he noted.

Referring to the latest speech of Nasrallah on the key role of Resistance media, Sadr al-Hosseini said, “Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has made many statements about the Resistance media over the past two decades, but allocating a long time to speak about the Resistance media shows the importance of this issue. This was the first time that the Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Lebanon spoke in detail about raising the level of discourse of Resistance media.”

“It is obvious that the issues raised by Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, as well as the Leader’s orders regarding the media and the media of the Resistance, should be a roadmap for these media,” he said, adding, “During the 12-day war, we saw that the Resistance media was able to convey the realities of the war to the public. The facts were conveyed to the public in such a way that we even witnessed a demonstration in support of Palestine in Chicago. In London, too, the transmission of facts by the Resistance media led to large numbers of people protesting. The fact that we witnessed demonstrations in the United States and Britain in support of those who have been oppressed is an achievement created by the Resistance media.”

“It Should be said that Iran is the center of the resistance media,” he stressed.

“The Americans and the Zionists have just realized that the media affiliated with the Axis of Resistance has great influence. They have recently realized the impact of the Resistance media on public opinion,” Sadr al-Hosseini said, adding, “During Donald Trump’s era, we saw the blocking of 92 Resistance sites. We now see that Joe Biden has taken the same path. Although Biden came to power with the slogans of freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of access to information, and democracy, he also pursued Trump’s policies toward the Resistance media.”

“He, like Trump, had no choice but to confront the Resistance media. This is a victory and achievement for the Resistance media,” the analyst noted.

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