Zarif: No obstacles on way of peaceful future for Afghanistan

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that after the exit of foreign forces there will be no obstacle in the way of drawing a peaceful perspective for the next generation in Afghanistan.

He made the comment in a Twitter message after meeting with representatives of various Afghan political factions on Wednesday.

He expressed happiness over hosting the talks and said “After the exit of the foreign forces from Afghanistan, there will be no obstacle for the entire Afghan factions to draw a bright perspective for a peaceful future for the next generation.

On Iran’s support for the all-Afghan negotiations, too, Zarif said “Iran stands by the side of its Afghan brethren.”

Zarif referred to the conference among the various Afghan faction, including the representatives of the Government of Afghanistan, high ranking personalities of that republic, and a high ranking delegation of Taliban, hosted by the Islamic Republic of Iran and said “Hosting this intimate contextual negotiation among the high ranking representatives of Afghanistan was a pride for us.”

The Iranian foreign minister on Wednesday morning at the opening ceremony of the conference referred to the US defeat in Afghanistan after two decades of presence of its forces in that country, which has led to lots of destruction and losses in Afghanistan, reiterating: Today the people and political leaders of Afghanistan must take tough decisions about the future of their country.

“Return to the negotiation table among all Afghan factions and commitment to diplomatic solutions is the best choice for Afghanistan’s leaders and political factions, and the Islamic Republic of Iran announces its readiness for contributing to the progress of the ongoing negotiations aimed at resolving the existing disputes and crises,” said Zarif, referring to the unfavorable aftermath of lingering disputes in that country.

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