227% rise in exports from Bileh Savar Border Crossing in NW Iran

More than 67,000 tons of goods were exported through the Bileh Savar border terminal of the northwestern Ardabil province during the first quarter of the current fiscal year (March 21-June 21), registering a 227% growth year-on-year.

The Director General of Bileh Savar Customs Office Ramin Zahiri told IRNA on Sunday that these goods included agricultural products – mainly potatoes-, tiles and ceramics, glass, salt, construction stones, pistachio, dates, plastic and metal products, particle boards and polyethylene.

He added that some 67,000 tons of goods worth $84  million were exported from the Bileh Savar checkpoint in the first three months of the current fiscal year.

A total of 67,000 tons of commodities worth $84 million were exported from the Bileh Savar border crossing during the time, marking an upsurge of 113% and 227% in tonnage and value respectively compared with the year before, according to the  Director General of Bileh Savar Customs Office.

The official said $2.5 million worth of products were imported through this northwestern border crossing.

Bileh Savar is a town in Ardabil province which borders the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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