Tehran Rejects Claim about Meeting between Iranian Officials, CIA Director in Baghdad

Iran on Tuesday dismissed a report alleging that the country’s officials have met CIA Chief William Burns in Baghdad.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh rejected the report as fake news and an instance of “yellow journalism”.

A purported analyst with the American Enterprise Institute, Michael Rubin, claimed in a report published on the obscure website 19FortyFive on Monday that Iranian officials had met Burns in Baghdad.

Based on media reports, Burns had left Baghdad several days before the arrival of an Iranian delegation, headed by Zarif, for talks with Iraqi leaders.

A CIA spokesperson also rejected the American report as false on Monday.

Zarif departed for Iraq and Qatar to hold talks with senior Iraqi and Qatari officials on the latest regional developments and bilateral relations.

He held separate meetings with the highest-ranking Iraqi officials, including the president, prime minister, parliament speaker and his counterpart.

In a press conference with his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein in Baghdad on Monday, Zarif called on the US President Joe Biden’s administration to opt for a wise policy to pave the ground for Washington’s return to the nuclear deal, reiterating that Tehran does not hold talks with Washington.

“Today we had the opportunity to talk about the nuclear talks between Iran and the G4 + 1 countries (four members of the UN Security Council – China, Russia, UK and France – plus Germany). Of course, the Americans are in Vienna and we do not talk with the US. But we had very good talks on the implementation of the nuclear deal, and we hope that the new US administration can be able to return to the nuclear deal as soon as possible by adopting a wise and good policy to implement its undertakings and all sides fulfill their undertakings. We are ready to return and fulfill our undertakings in full as soon as the US implements its undertakings and their move is verified,” Zarif said.

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