IRGC Commander Vows Powerful Response to Israel’s Misdeeds

Nakhost news -“The mischiefs that the Zionists commit in the region will backfire on them. The Islamic Republic of Iran will give an equal and more powerful reaction to any evil act,” General Salami said in an interview with the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen news channel on Monday.

He added that in case of continued mischiefs, the Zionist regime will come closer to collapse, stressing that all conditions have been prepared for its collapse.

“In the past few days, you have witnessed how their evil deeds did not go unanswered and how some developments happened in the occupied territories, and these incidents and developments will definitely be repeated and will grow vaster in future,” General Salami underlined.

In relevant remarks on Sunday, Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said that the recent attacks launched by the resistance forces in the occupied territories will bring the Zionists to their senses.

“The Zionists imagine that they can continuously target the Syrian territories and conduct mischief in different places and in the sea and receive no response,” General Baqeri said.

“Certainly, the measures adopted in the past few days and future actions that endanger their interests will bring the Zionists to their senses and the future of the Resistance Front is bright,” he added.

General Baqeri said that Iran does not know the identity of the group or country behind the recent incidents against the country’s interests and does not want to declare the perpetrators, but added, “But the Resistance Front will give a principal response to the Zionists.”

On Iran’s response to Israel if the regime is proved to be behind the recent attacks against the country’s interests, he said, “It’s not clear what Iran’s response will be, but the Zionist regime will not remain calm.”

His comments came after tens of rockets were fired toward Israel from the Gaza Strip in recent days.

The barrages were the worst assault from the Strip in many months and the rockets did cause damage in a number of communities.

Last Thursday, new Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Qods Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Fallahzadeh warned the Zionist regime that the resistance forces deployed near Israeli interests are paving the ground for the regime’s collapse.

“The occupier Zionist regime should know that the resistance groups are stationed all over the planet next to their bases and are bringing them closer to collapse at any moment,” General Fallahzadeh said in the Central city of Isfahan, addressing a ceremony to commemorate his predecessor Brigadier General Seyed Mohammad Hossein Hejazi, a veteran of the Iraqi imposed war on Iran in the 1980s who was suffering the chemical wounds of the war throughout the past several decades and died of heart failure olast Sunday evening.

“In line with the words made by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the Zionist regime will not see the next 25 years, a now a few years have passed since he made these remarks,” he added.

The Second-in-Command of the IRGC’s Qods Force further added that the blood of martyrs Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani (the late commander of the IRGC Qods Force) and General Hejazi runs through the veins of Islamic Ummah and their blood will not go in vain.

He also vowed that the Islamic nations will not give up their struggle and “as the Late Imam Khomeini promised, Islam will conquer all the key trenches in the world one after another and the flag of Islam will be hoisted above all heights in the world”.

Also, last Monday, General Salami warned the Zionists that their joy over the demise of General Hejazi will not last long, saying that the Palestinian nation will annihilate the Zionist regime.

“I have heard that the Zionists are happy (of General Hejazi’s demise which happened due to the impacts of chemical wounds sustained during the Iraqi-imposed war against Iran in 1980s), but we tell the Zionists that their happiness will not last long. They will disappear at the hands of the same nation they have expelled from their land. Do not be happy, we will continue this path and no one will leave this front,” General Salami said, addressing the funeral ceremony of General Hejazi.

He underlined cooperation between late General Hejazi and the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah, in the fight against the Israeli occupation and aggression, and said, “Together with the Hezbollah brothers, he set the stage for the annihilation of the rotten Zionist regime.”

“The Zionists had put his name on their assassination list and were looking for an opportunity to attack this great commander,” General Salami said.

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