Iran to Host 10th CHCA Meeting

Thanks to the efforts made by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), the hosting of the upcoming meeting of the Council of ECO Heads of Customs Administration was delegated to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to the IRICA, hosting the upcoming meeting of ECO customs heads is important given that the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi has placed special emphasis on the development of cooperation and economic relations with neighboring countries and regional unions.

It noted that the 9th CHCA Meeting and 8th Customs Transit Committee Meeting were held in the Azeri capital of Baku on July 18-19, 2023 with the active participation of IRICA delegations.

The ECO Customs Heads Meeting is the highest meeting of member states of the important regional organization.

Reacting to the US move to hinder Iran’s hosting of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) event, the Iranian foreign ministry spokesman slammed the move, saying there is no limit to the US political abuse of the UN technical agencies.

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