Islamic world not tolerating silence on massacre of Muslims

Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf held a telephone conversation with Marzouq Ali Mohammed Al-Ghanim, the speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly so as to discuss the ongoing Zionist crimes in the Gaza strip and Occupied Territories of Palestine.

Today, the killing of Palestinian women and children is the common pain of Islamic countries, Ghalibaf said in this conversation.

At a time when the most heinous and painful crimes against humanity are being committed in Palestine, the silence of the international community, humanitarian organizations, and the United Nations is surprising, he added.

Ghalibaf stressed, “The Islamic world does not tolerate such silence in the face of the oppression and massacre of Muslims, and it is necessary for all Muslims in the world to make efforts to get rid of this cancerous tumor.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ghalibaf called for the strengthening of friendly relations with the Kuwaiti government and parliament.

Kuwaiti parliament speaker also said, “The most horrible crimes against our Palestinian brothers are taking place. Therefore, maintaining the unity of all Muslim countries against the oppression and extravagance of the Zionists is a religious, human, Islamic and moral obligation.”

The government and the people of Kuwait agree to hold any parliamentary session and initiative in support of the Palestinian people, he added.

The Kuwaiti government welcomes the promotion of relations between the two countries and efforts to expand and develop relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, he also stressed.

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