Haniyeh discusses current events in occupied lands

Congratulating Ayatollah Khamenei on the occasion of Ramadan and Eid-al-Fitr, Haniyeh lamented about the crimes of the Zionists in the occupied lands.

He noted that the attacks and aggressions of the usurping Zionists against the occupied Quds and its inhabitants are going on to normalize and legalize the construction of Zionist settlements in occupied lands and making Palestinians leave their homeland.

Haniyeh underlined that the Hamas movement warns against the aggressions and crimes of the Zionist enemy during the holy month of Ramadan and the dangerous situation in occupied Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The movement calls for immediate action to take a firm stand against such crimes via diplomacy to stop the Zionist regime from continuing its brutal crimes against the Palestinian people, he added.

“These days, in the holy month of Ramadan, the month of solidarity, cooperation and victory, we send this message to your Excellency, and we all believe and hope that the Islamic Ummah will be in a single line same as a strong and iron building,” he wrote.

“The Palestinian people … have taken the path of resistance and patience for the past 50 years to defend their land and the sanctities of Palestine on behalf of the Islamic and Arab ummah and will never avert resistance to reach victory and create the independent land of Palestine,” he added.

“We ask God Almighty to protect you and to grant the Islamic Republic of Iran increasing progress and prosperity.”

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